In 2021 the European Mobility Week is held on 16–22 September.
The European Sustainable Mobility Week is an initiative introduced in 2002 by the European Commission. The main objective is to encourage people to change the habits detrimental to health and environment. Good practices in that regard include using public transport or bicycles, and in case of commuting to work by car – searching for co-commuters. The celebrations this year end on 22 September – the World Car-Free Day.
Vehicles that pollute air pose a great challenge to large cities. Substances present in car exhausts are as detrimental as industrial pollution. While large plants are rarely located in the centres of the cities, vehicle exhausts are produced in high concentrations in the direct vicinity of people’s dwellings.
Also important is the fact that passenger cars are the main source of pollution, responsible for 60.7% of the whole CO2 emissions by road transport in Europe.
You can read more here.
A few facts from the life of the Capital Group:
The 2021 theme of the EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK is ‘Safe and Healthy with Sustainable Mobility’. The choice of this year’s theme pays tribute to the hardships felt by Europe – and the world – throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. You can read more here.