Under the cohesion policy for 2007-2013, Grupa Kęty S.A. obtained funds from the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund, with the total value of 48.3 million PLN for the implementation of three investment projects related to investments of high importance for the economy and with up-to-the-minute technologies.
The first project that was launched in 2009 was related to the “Establishment of the Research and Development Centre (RDC) in Grupa Kęty S.A.” under Measure 4.5 “Support for investment of considerable importance to the economy” under Priority Axis 4 “Investments in innovative undertakings.” The project total gross value was 15.7 million PLN, including eligible costs of 12.9 million PLN. The subsidy was at the level of 50%, i.e. 6.45 million PLN.
The activities of the centre, located in a new building and equipped with multiple specialist instruments, plant and machines, focus on the tests of advanced products, the current control of the production process and the commercialization of the findings of research works. Owing to extensive fittings, the scope of the research has been extended, which made it possible to introduce new products to the market for the automotive industry, which is especially demanding in terms of tests and research. In addition, the RDC braced the competitive edge of the Extruded Products Segment, which contributed to the intensification of the cooperation with the sector of SMEs as well as other institutions concerning the exchange of experience and findings of completed R&D works.
The second project, whose implementation was also launched in 2009, “The implementation of an innovative technology for the extrusion of AlMgSi alloys in Grupa Kęty” was related to the purchase, assembly and launch of an innovative line for the production of aluminium profiles under Measure 4.4 “New investments of highly innovative potential” under Priority Axis 4 “Investments in innovative undertakings.” The project total gross cost amounted to 86.5 million PLN, including eligible costs of 69.6 million PLN. The subsidy was at the level of 50%, i.e. 34.8 million PLN.
The project will comprise the construction of a production hall and of an innovative production line along with associated machines. As a result of the project launch in 2012, the Company was able to begin the production of price-competitive products with high quality parameters. It strengthened the position of the Extruded Products Segment on the serviced market and, in addition, increased export opportunities. The project also comprised the task aiming at the expansion of the enterprise and the diversification of the production through the implementation of new additional products, according to the horizontal policy of the European Union.
The third project: “The implementation of an innovative window roller-blinds production technology by ALUPROF S.A.” was related to the construction of a new production and storage hall and the purchase of an innovative line for the production of external roller-blind systems in an amended production process under Measure 4.4 “New investments of highly innovative potential” under Priority Axis 4 “Investments in innovative undertakings.” The project eligible costs amount to 14.1 million PLN. The subsidy is at the level of 50%, i.e. 7 million PLN.