We support initiatives

Sustainable development goals promoted by the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A.
Taking into account the business specifics of the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group, and the consequently followed path of the assumed CSR Policy, as well as striving for the fulfilment of the mission, vision and values, we have selected and declared engagement and activities for the support of sustainable development goals.
Global Compact
Since 2014, Grupa Kęty has been a signatory of the Global Compact initiative. In our activities, we wish to support, promote and develop 10 Global Compact principles.
- Goal 3: Good health and well-being
- Goal 4: Quality education
- Goal 8: Decent work and economic growth
- Goal 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
- Goal 10: Reduced inequalities
- Goal 11: Sustainable cities and communities
- Goal 12: Responsible consumption and production
- Goal 13: Climate action
- Goal 17: Partnerships for the goals