Reporting breaches of law

At the companies of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. there are binding internal reports procedures.

The procedures set out standards and methods of conduct with regard to reporting breaches of law as set forth in the Act on Whistleblowers Protection of 14 June 2024, the principles of carrying out follow-up actions, as well as the conditions and scope of whistleblowers protection.

Breaches may be reported through internal channels:


  • Electronically to the address:
  • In paper, in a secured envelope, by sending it to the address: Compliance and Risk Management Department, Grupa Kęty S.A., Warszawska 153, 43-300 Bielsko-Biała (with a note “report”, without the personal data of the sender on the envelope).
  • Personally, through a recorded telephone line at number: +48 33 844 60 80.

The person sending the report needs to provide their details and contact address.

Moreover, the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. has separate channels for reporting breaches of the Code of Ethics. The reports may be sent to the Business Ethics Ombudsman. More about the method of reporting and the Code of Ethics may be found in the tab entitled: CSR and ethics management issues.

Click on the company name and review their internal reports procedure:

Receipt and consideration of a report on a breach of law, and carrying out follow-up actions requires personal data processing.

The controller of the whistleblowers’ personal data is one of the companies of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. to which the report of the respective breach of law refers.

The personal data is processed solely for the purpose of the performance of legal duties resulting from the provisions of the Act of 14 June 2024 on Whistleblowers’ Protection.

A whistleblower is entitled to access their personal data, have the data corrected, updated or erased, have the processing limited, or to complain with the President of Personal Data Protection Authority.

Any personal data of the whistleblower is secret unless the whistleblower consents to the data disclosure. In case the data is disclosed following an explicit consent of the whistleblower, the whistleblower has the right to withdraw the consent without any effect on the actions taken between the giving the consent and its withdrawal.