Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group operates in three different business segments related to aluminium processing. The Capital Group consists of 24 companies, including 15 foreign companies, which employ jointly nearly 5,500 people. Since 1996 Grupa Kęty S.A. shares have been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange within the mWig40 index.

History of Grupa Kęty

The decision about the construction of an aluminium processing plant was taken in 1949. The plant was to be erected in southern Poland, somewhere between Silesia and Kraków. Władysław Remin, the first manager of the plant and the chief designer, was driving around the area seeking a proper location for months. To no avail.
When he was totally frustrated, his driver made a suggestion: “Director, let’s go through Kęty, maybe you’ll find something there?”… Along with the construction of ZML “Kęty”, an important part of the history of the aluminium industry in Poland was being written.

The Head Office of Zakłady Metali Lekkich w Budowie (Light Metals Plant in Construction) based in Walcownia Metali “Dziedzice” (“Dziedzice” Metals Rolling Mill) in Czechowice was established in 1950. Since 1952, the head office has been already located in Kęty in a two-segment hut. Office rooms were located in one wing, and the other wing hosted a ‘hotel’ with living quarters for employees from outside Kęty. Some of them felt as if they were never leaving their workplace.

The date of launching the Foundry Department was scheduled on 21 July 1953, one day before the national holiday on 22 July. Initially, the production was carried out in makeshift conditions. The foundry hall was ready in 25 percent, machines were being assembled and bricklayers put on walls and made floor levellings. Everything was missing… apart from enthusiasm and optimism that “somehow, we will overcome all those problems”.

The Foil Rolling Mill Department was launched in 1956. Insufficient experience resulted in the crew’s initial problems with the production of aluminium foils of a proper quality and of simple laminates. However, with time, they mastered the most difficult rolling, printing and laminating technologies.

The launch of the Press Shop and Drawing Mill Department in 1958 was the last stage of the plant erection. The hall was erected according to the design by Engineer Jan Kopciowski. Not only was it the biggest facility in the plant (320 meters long and 60 meters wide), but also apparently the most beautiful one. It was admired by architects at that time.


The Ministry of Metallurgy and the National Commission for Economic Planning made a decision on building an aluminium processing plant in Kęty

The plant construction started in spring 1950. The company was named ‘Zakłady Metali Lekkich Kęty’ [‘Kęty Light Metals Plant].


Launch of the Casting Department and commencement of casting alloys production

It is the official date of the plant establishment.


The Foil Rolling Department comes into living

and the flexible packaging production commences.


Commissioning of the first Press and Drawing Mill Department

Pipes and bars were manufactured on three presses: 3,200 tons, 2,000 tons and 640 tons (vertical press). The Press and Drawing Mill origination was the last stage of Zakłady Metali Lekkich Kęty construction.

Now, orders for Kęty from the industry were not of hundreds but thousands of tons. Thanks to the launch of the Scrap Processing Unit, where big gas-fired melting furnaces with the capacity of 25 tons and some smaller units were installed, the production of aluminium alloys rose considerably to 100 thousand tons p.a.

Film Rolling Mill II was constructed. In 1970, a modern line for rolling aluminium film 1,000 mm wide and 6-7 up to 25 microns thick was launched.

As part of an agreement with an Italian company, Inocennti, Kęty purchased, among other things, 5-colour printers and the preparation room for rotogravure printing cylinders. In these time, Kęty became open to the world. With time, the employees of the rolling mill began to go to Milan and Turin to learn more about technologies and technical innovation then unknown to them.

In 1978, Press Shop II was launched; it was equipped with Polish hydraulic presses. Earlier, Kęty had purchased Austrian know-how for the designing and manufacturing of press tools. This made it possible to launch the production of completely new shapes used in the production of e.g. aluminium tennis rackets, masts for yachts and sailing boats, and parts for household appliances. There is probably no economy sector today where aluminium parts are not used.

Kęty looked for market niches. In the 1970’s, the production of heaters was launched. As Kęty had goods in such short supply, it was ranked higher in the federation or ministry. And this opened the gate for new projects. Because of the heaters, Kęty became famous all over Poland. In 15 years, it manufactured ca. 1 million of radiators.


Within the investment plan, an English press of 1,250 tons was purchased to manufacture pipes

The press is still used nowadays to handle hard alloys. There were also installed two 1,800 tons presses of the Czech Škoda factory to manufacture profiles and bars.


Signing of an agreement with the Austrian company of Vereinigte Metalwerke Ranshofen-Berndorf AG

and purchase of modern technology as well as equipment to produce extruding tools (dies). Construction of the Press Department II in Kęty commenced.


Launching of the Press Department II

furnished with four 2,500 presses by ZAMET, electrical Elino ageing furnaces by NRF and Ebner ZAMET homogenisation furnaces. The assumed yield of the Press Department II was 10,000 tons of products a year. Launching of the Scrap Reworking Department.

The 1980s were not good times for investment projects. The economy during the period of the Martial law was lethargic and there was not enough money for anything. No-one even dreamt of new technologies and devices. But, owing to investment projects from the previous period, the company was able to develop the production of shapes and casting alloys.

After 1989, companies partially shook off the state’s control and became independent at least at a minimum level. For the first time, they were given the liberty to decide where and how they wanted to invest their profits. Kęty began its investments from the purchase of a modern Gautchi casting machine. Then, it bought for the Foil Rolling Mill Department an 8-colour Cerutti printer, Ohio system from the USA and an electroplating line from an Italian company, Acigraf. Owing to these investments, Kęty was able to take advantage of the technology which made it possible to manufacture truly state-of-the-art packaging.

In 1992, the company Zakłady Metali Lekkich was transformed into a sole-shareholder company of the State Treasury. Soon afterwards, the company was incorporated into so-called National Investment Funds, but managed to leave them. The path to privatisation was open.

In 1993, the Supervisory Board appointed a new Management Board of the company. It developed the corporate restructuring programme, including management and finance, marketing and production, the company’s assets and HR policy. Management decentralisation was to be the key to success. Independent managers of the foundry, press shop, foil and technical service units were appointed in the company’s structure. It was the beginning of revolutionary changes that altered Kęty entirely.


Introduction of martial law in Poland

and a complete stall in investment projects.


Transformation of Zakłady Metali Lekkich Kęty into a sole-shareholder company of the State Treasury

Company preparation to privatisation. Installation of the state-of-the-art Gautschi casting machine at the Foundry Department. The Company restructuring programme is prepared.

Kęty was privatised. American funds Enterprise Investors became the main shareholders of the company. In January 1996, the shares of ZML Kęty were floated on Warsaw Stock Exchange.

From the sale of series B shares, the company raised money for investment projects and purchased a modern line for casting aluminium billets. At the same time, the process of building the capital group was initiated. First, Kęty acquired shares in Metalplast-Bielsko, and later in Interbell Lublin. The two companies were merged; as a result, Metalplast increased its share in the market to 45%. New companies were established, e.g. Flexpol in Płock and Alupol in Tychy.

The biggest investment projects were focused in the economic zone in Tychy. Two plants were built in the territory of the company Alupol, near international automotive concerns. One produced packaging and the other one – aluminium profiles. They were fitted with state-of-the-art plant and machinery which enabled them to automate the production processes almost fully and, at the same time, they ensured the world-level quality of laminates and shapes manufactured in the plants.

The company formulated the development strategy highlighting the importance of the company’s international presence. Such a concept resulted in the establishment of new foreign companies and in the acquisition of smaller entities in the European Union. In 10 years, the company created an international sale network comprising Germany, the UK, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Italy, Denmark, Norway, Hungary, Romania and Ukraine.

The Company has implemented an extensive capital investment plan. Since the Company has first been listed on the Warsaw Stock Exchange in 1996, it has spent over PLN 3 billion on machines as well as new products and services. Within the 2021-2025 development strategy, it has planned further capital projects amounting to PLN 1.3 billion (out of which PLN 800 million are development projects), which will enable the Company to offer the highest-quality products.


Privatisation of Zakłady Metali Lekkich Kęty

The main shareholders of the Company became the American Enterprise Investors funds, holding 28% of shares. The Company’s debut on the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Purchase of shares in Zakłady Elementów Wyposażenia Budownictwa Metalplast Bielsko [‘Metalplast Bielsko’ Construction Fitting Elements Plant]. Commencement of the capital group building.


Launching of Alupol – a modern flexible packaging plant

in the Economic Zone in Tychy.

Separation of the Foundry Department (production of casting alloys) from the Company structure

and creation of the company of Alumetal based on the Department assets.


A new Press Shop starts operating in the Economic Zone in Tychy

There were installed two presses, of 4,400 tons and 1,600 tons. These presses are still used by Aluform sp. z o.o. Change of Company name from Zakłady Metali Lekkich Kęty to Grupa Kęty. Separation of three operating segments within the Capital Group (Extruded Products Segment, Flexible Packaging Segment, Aluminium Systems Segment).


Sale of the company of Alumetal

(the oldest part of the plant related to casting alloys production) to a private investor.


Installation of a new 2,800 tons indirect press to manufacture bars of hard alloys

and a 1,605 tons press to manufacture light alloys. The presses are still used nowadays. Launching of a production plant manufacturing packaging with flexogaphic method.


Fire at the packaging plant in Kęty

Reconstruction and diversification of production in two independent plants in Kęty and Tychy. Acquisition of 100% shares of Aluprof in Opole by Grupa Kęty. Merger of Metalplast-Bielsko S.A. and Aluprof Sp. z o.o.

Launching of a new anodising plant in Kęty

with the production capacity of 2 million m2 of profiles a year.


Opening of a press shop of the Grupa Kęty Extruded Products Segment in Borodianka, Ukraine

Installation of a 1,800 tons press. Opening of a modern commercial and logistics centre in Hungary by Aluprof.


Creation of a new company of Alupol Packaging Kęty Sp. z o.o.

which took over the assets of the Flexible Packaging Segment in Kęty.

Alupol Sp. z.o.o. takes over 100% shares

in Alupol Packaging Kęty Sp. z o.o.

Launching of a Research and Development Centre

Construction of a new laboratory in Kęty.


Transformation of Alupol Spółka z o.o. [limited liability company]

into Alupol Packaging S.A. [joint stock company].


Construction of a new production hall and installation of a new 3,500 tons press

to manufacture profiles from light alloys. The press is still used nowadays. Extension of the plant in Opole – Aluprrof opens new warehouses and a modern powder paint shop.


Creation of Alupol Films Sp. z o.o.

dealing with manufacturing of 5-layer polypropylene films.


Installation of a new 1,800 tons press in Kęty to manufacture profiles from light alloys

and modernisation of the 2,503 tons press (1,606 tons press). The presses are still used nowadays. Extension of Aluprof plant in Bielsko-Biała and launching of a modern vertical paint shop.


A Slovenian company of Aha EMMI d.o.o. becomes part of the Grupa Kęty Extruded Products Segment

The company provides advanced machining and surface treatment of aluminium profiles. Commencement of 5-layer BOPP film production at Alupol Films Sp. z o.o.


Merger of Aluprof and the production plant ‘Metalplast-Stolarka’ [Metalplast Joinery]

based in Goleszów, and joint acting on the market under the Aluprof brand.


Commissioning of a new plant under the name ‘Zakład Zaawansowanych Produktów Aluminiowych’ [ZZPA – advanced aluminium products plant]

Construction of a hall of 7,000 m2. ZZPA manufactures precise components of extruded profiles using various technologies. Construction of a new production hall and installation of a new 2,801 tons press to manufacture profiles from light alloys. The press is still used nowadays.


Alupol Films launches the second line

to manufacture 5-layer polypropylene films.

Installation of a new 3,600 tons press

to manufacture bars from hard alloys.

Launching of the Aluprof Research and Innovation Centre

in Ogrodzona near Cieszyn.