Current reports

Date range: Search
Date/hour Number Title
10/12/2024 61/2024 KDPW’s decision on assimilation of K series shares
09/12/2024 60/2024 Update of the calendar of corporate events for the year 2024
09/12/2024 59/2024 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of terms amending the multipurpose credit facility agreement concluded with BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna and signing an annex to the agreement
06/12/2024 58/2024 K series shares admission to and introduction in stock trading
05/12/2024 56/2024 Notifications of transactions in the financial instruments of Grupa Kęty S.A. reported pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR
05/12/2024 57/2024 Change in the position of Grupa KĘTY S.A.’s President of the Management Board in 2025
22/11/2024 55/2024 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of terms amending the multipurpose credit facility agreement concluded with Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski Spółka Akcyjna S.A. and signing an annex to the agreement
22/11/2024 54/2024 Supervisory Board member appointment
21/11/2024 53/2024 List of shareholders with at least 5% of votes at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
21/11/2024 52/2024 Contents of resolutions passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
15/11/2024 51/2024 Registration of K series shares at the Securities Depository and increase of the Company share capital
14/11/2024 50/2024 Proposal of a candidate for a member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
30/10/2024 49/2024 Court registration of the Company Articles amendment
23/10/2024 48/2024 Convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
23/10/2024 47/2024 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the credit limit agreement concluded with Bank POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. and signing an annex to the agreement
21/10/2024 46/2024 Request of a shareholder for convening an Extraordinary General Meeting
08/10/2024 45/2024 Resignation of a Member of the Management Board
23/09/2024 44/2024 KDPW’s decision on assimilation of K series shares
23/09/2024 43/2024 K series shares admission to and introduction in stock trading
23/09/2024 42/2024 Registration of K series shares at the Securities Depository and increase of the Company share capital
19/09/2024 41/2024 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.3, 2024
12/09/2024 40/2024 Court registration of the Company Articles amendment
04/09/2024 39/2024 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
04/09/2024 38/2024 Contents of resolutions passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
02/09/2024 37/2024 Conclusion of the committed agreement on the purchase of 100% shares in SELT Sp. z o.o. and closure of transaction
28/08/2024 36/2024 Decision of the Company Management Board on acceptance of the terms and conditions of a loan agreement and conclusion of the agreement
21/08/2024 35/2024 Fulfilment of the second additional condition of the preliminary conditional agreement of purchase of shares in SELT Sp. z o.o.
07/08/2024 34/2024 KDPW’s decision on assimilation of K series shares and update of information on the number of shares covered with the dividend passed by the Annual General Meeting
05/08/2024 33/2024 K series shares admission to and introduction in stock trading
25/07/2024 32/2024 Convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
18/07/2024 31/2024 Consent of the President of the Office of Competition and Consumer Protection [UOKiK] to carry out concentration through the acquisition by Grupa Kęty S.A. of control over SELT Sp. z o.o. and receipt of information with regard to the absence of need to meet one of the additional conditions provided for in the agreement
11/07/2024 30/2024 Registration of K series shares in the Securities Depository and increase of the Company’s share capital
28/06/2024 29/2024 Notifications of transactions in the financial instruments of Grupa Kęty S.A. reported pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR
26/06/2024 28/2024 Notifications of transactions in the financial instruments of Grupa Kęty S.A. reported pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR
19/06/2024 27/2024 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.2, 2024
18/06/2024 26/2024 Notifications of transactions in the financial instruments of Grupa Kęty S.A. reported pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR
14/06/2024 25/2024 Conclusion of preliminary conditional agreement on the acquisition of shares in SELT Sp. z o.o. and delayed disclosure of confidential information regarding the commencement of negotiations on the terms and conditions of the company’s shares acquisition
06/06/2024 24/2024 KDPW’s decision on assimilation of K series shares
29/05/2024 23/2024 K series shares admission to and introduction in stock trading
29/05/2024 22/2024 Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. with regard to dividend payment
29/05/2024 21/2024 Appointment of Supervisory Board Members for a new term, selection of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and selection of the Members of the Audit Committee and the Nomination and Remuneration Committee of the Supervisory Board
29/05/2024 20/2024 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
29/05/2024 19/2024 Contents of resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. as well as contents of resolutions which were voted on but have not been passed
27/05/2024 18/2024 Shareholder’s proposal of candidate for member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
21/05/2024 17/2024 Notification on a change in the number of shares held and the percentage of the total number of votes
20/05/2024 16/2024 Shareholder’s proposal of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
20/05/2024 15/2024 Shareholder’s proposal of candidate for member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
14/05/2024 14/2024 Registration of K series shares at the Securities Depository and increase of the Company share capital
08/05/2024 13/2024 Notifications of transactions in the financial instruments of Grupa Kęty S.A. reported pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR
07/05/2024 12/2024 Shareholder’s proposal of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
26/04/2024 11/2024 KDPW’s decision on assimilation of K series shares
25/04/2024 10/2024 Convening of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
24/04/2024 9/2024 K series shares admission to and introduction in stock trading
22/04/2024 8/2024 Motion of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. with regard to 2023 profit distribution and dividend payment as well as assessment of the motion by the Supervisory Board
17/04/2024 7/2024 Notification on a change in the number of shares held and the percentage of the total number of votes
04/04/2024 6/2024 Registration of K series shares at the Securities Depository and increase of the Company share capital
02/04/2024 5/2024 Declaration by the Central Securities Depository of Poland on concluding an agreement with the Company with regard to the registration of K series shares in the Securities Depository
26/03/2024 4/2024 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.1, 2024
22/02/2024 3/2024 Change of the date of disclosure of interim report and update of corporate calendar
09/01/2024 2/2024 Interim reports publishing dates and calendar of corporate events for the year 2024
03/01/2024 1/2024 Registration of the Company Articles amendment by the court
19/12/2023 33/2023 Forecast of the selected financial and operating results for the year 2024
19/12/2023 32/2023 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.4, 2023 and the year 2023
13/12/2023 31/2023 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
13/12/2023 30/2023 Contents of resolutions passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. as well as contents of resolutions which were voted on but have not been passed
11/12/2023 29/2023 Update of the calendar of corporate events for the year 2023
04/12/2023 28/2023 Decision of the Company Management Board on acceptance of the terms and conditions of a loan agreement and conclusion of the agreement
04/12/2023 27/2023 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of terms amending the multipurpose credit facility agreement concluded with BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna and signing an annex to the agreement
17/11/2023 26/2023 Convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
07/11/2023 25/2023 Notification on a change in the number of shares held and the percentage of the total number of votes
23/10/2023 24/2023 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the credit limit agreement concluded with Bank POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. and signing an annex to the agreement
12/10/2023 23/2023 Update of 2023 financial results forecast
20/09/2023 22/2023 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.3, 2023
15/09/2023 21/2023 Appointment of a Member of the Management Board of Grupa KĘTY S.A.
14/09/2023 20/2023 Update of the calendar of corporate events for the year 2023
18/08/2023 19/2023 Notifications of transactions in the financial instruments of Grupa Kęty S.A. reported pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR
11/08/2023 18/2023 Notifications of transactions in the financial instruments of Grupa Kęty S.A. reported pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR
03/08/2023 17/2023 Notifications of transactions in the financial instruments of Grupa Kęty S.A. reported pursuant to Article 19 of the MAR
27/07/2023 16/2023 Update of 2023 financial results forecast
25/07/2023 15/2023 Notification on a change in the number of shares held and the percentage of the total number of votes
18/07/2023 14/2023 Registration of the Company Articles amendment by the court
21/06/2023 13/2023 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
21/06/2023 12/2023 Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. on dividend payment
21/06/2023 11/2023 Contents of resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
20/06/2023 10/2023 Reporting a draft resolution to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting
20/06/2023 9/2023 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.2, 2023
25/05/2023 8/2023 Convening of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
17/05/2023 7/2023 Notification on the number of shares held and the percentage of the total number of votes
18/04/2023 6/2023 Update of the calendar of corporate events for the year 2023
18/04/2023 5/2023 Motion of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. with regard to 2022 profit distribution and dividend payment as well as assessment of the motion by the Supervisory Board
22/03/2023 4/2023 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.1, 2023
03/02/2023 3/2023 Notification on a change in the number of shares held and the percentage of the total number of votes
13/01/2023 2/2023 Interim reports publishing dates and calendar of corporate events for the year 2023
05/01/2023 1/2023 Notification on a change in the number of shares held and the percentage of the total number of votes
22/12/2022 34/2022 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the multipurpose credit facility agreement concluded with BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna and signing an annex to the agreement
20/12/2022 33/2022 Forecast of selected consolidated financial and operating results for the year 2023
20/12/2022 32/2022 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.4, 2022 and the year 2022
15/12/2022 31/2022 Decision of the Company Management Board on acceptance of the terms and conditions of a loan agreement and conclusion of the agreement
09/12/2022 30/2022 Update of the calendar of corporate events for the year 2022
26/09/2022 29/2022 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the credit limit agreement concluded with Bank POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. and signing an annex to the agreement
21/09/2022 28/2022 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.3, 2022
25/07/2022 27/2022 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the overdraft in the current account and foreign currency accounts agreement concluded with Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski S.A. and signing an annex to the agreement
22/06/2022 26/2022 Update of 2022 financial results projection
22/06/2022 25/2022 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.2, 2022 and information regarding the influence of the war in Ukraine on the operations in that period
09/06/2022 24/2022 Registration of the Company Articles amendment by the court
31/05/2022 23/2022 Notification on a change in the number of shares held and the percentage in the total number of votes at the Company
25/05/2022 22/2022 Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. on dividend payment
25/05/2022 21/2022 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
25/05/2022 20/2022 Contents of resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
27/04/2022 19/2022 Convening of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
27/04/2022 18/2022 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the multipurpose credit facility agreement concluded with BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna and signing an annex to the agreement
22/04/2022 17/2022 Motion of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. with regard to 2021 profit distribution and dividend payment as well as assessment of the motion by the Supervisory Board
23/03/2022 16/2022 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.1, 2022 and information regarding the influence of the war in Ukraine on the operations in that period
22/03/2022 15/2022 Decision of the Management Board of Aluprof S.A. on the acceptance of the terms of an investment credit agreement, and consent of the Supervisory Board to the agreement conclusion
17/03/2022 14/2022 Appointment of a Member of the Supervisory Board
17/03/2022 13/2022 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
17/03/2022 12/2022 Contents of resolutions passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
14/03/2022 11/2022 Receipt of declaration from a candidate for a member of the Supervisory Board – supplement to current report No. 10/2022
12/03/2022 10/2022 Reporting a draft resolution to the agenda of an Extraordinary General Meeting
11/03/2022 9/2022 Proposal of a candidate for a member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa KĘTY S.A.
17/02/2022 8/2022 Convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
14/02/2022 7/2022 Request of a shareholder to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting
11/02/2022 6/2022 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
11/02/2022 5/2022 Contents of resolutions passed by the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. as well as contents of resolutions which were voted on but have not been passed
10/02/2022 4/2022 Resignation of a Member of the Supervisory Board
07/02/2022 3/2022 Proposal of a candidate for a member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa KĘTY S.A.
14/01/2022 2/2022 Interim reports publishing dates and calendar of corporate events for the year 2022
05/01/2022 1/2022 Convening of an Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
22/12/2021 48/2021 Forecast of the selected financial and operating results for the year 2022
22/12/2021 47/2021 Request of a shareholder to convene an Extraordinary General Meeting
22/12/2021 46/2021 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.4 and the year 2021
21/12/2021 45/2021 Update of the calendar of corporate events for the year 2021
14/12/2021 44/2021 Update of the calendar of corporate events for the year 2021
08/12/2021 43/2021 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending a credit limit agreement concluded with Bank POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. and signing an annex to the agreement
26/11/2021 42/2021 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the overdraft in the current account and foreign currency accounts agreement concluded with Powszechna Kasa Oszczędności Bank Polski S.A. and signing an annex to the agreement
26/11/2021 41/2021 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the multipurpose credit facility agreement concluded with BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna and signing an annex to the agreement
19/11/2021 40/2021 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
17/11/2021 39/2021 KDPW communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
17/11/2021 38/2021 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
04/11/2021 37/2021 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
20/10/2021 36/2021 Decision of the Company Management Board on acceptance of the terms and conditions of a credit limit agreement
18/10/2021 35/2021 2021 Financial Results Projection Update
01/10/2021 34/2021 Receipt of decision on support of the Issuer’s business operations in the Special Economic Zone
22/09/2021 33/2021 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q3, 2021
16/09/2021 32/2021 Decision on the closure of the process of identifying interest among potential investors as regards acquisition of the Flexible Packaging Segment of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A.
06/09/2021 31/2021 Receipt of offers within the process of identifying interest among potential investors as regards acquisition of the Flexible Packaging Segment of the Capital Group of Grupa KĘTY S.A.
02/09/2021 30/2021 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
30/07/2021 29/2021 2021 Financial Results Projection Update
30/07/2021 28/2021 Update of the investment plan for the years 2021–2025 and adjustment of basic financial assumptions projected for 2025, as presented in the Strategy 2021–2025
05/07/2021 27/2021 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
01/07/2021 26/2021 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
23/06/2021 25/2021 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q2, 2021
12/05/2021 24/2021 Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. on dividend payment
12/05/2021 23/2021 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
12/05/2021 22/2021 Contents of resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
07/05/2021 21/2021 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
05/05/2021 20/2021 KDPW communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
04/05/2021 19/2021 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
22/04/2021 18/2021 2021 Financial Results Projection Update
21/04/2021 17/2021 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
15/04/2021 16/2021 Convening of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
08/04/2021 15/2021 Appointment of the Management Board members for a new term
08/04/2021 14/2021 Motion of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. with regard to 2020 profit distribution and dividend payment as well as assessment of the motion by the Supervisory Board
02/04/2021 13/2021 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
02/04/2021 12/2021 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
01/04/2021 11/2021 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
30/03/2021 10/2021 Change of the publication date of the consolidated quarterly report for Q1, 2021
24/03/2021 9/2021 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.1, 2021 and information regarding the influence of SARS-CoV-2 virus spreading on the operations in that period
05/03/2021 8/2021 Change of the publication date of the separate and consolidated annual report for 2020
04/03/2021 7/2021 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
02/03/2021 6/2021 KDPW communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
02/03/2021 5/2021 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
19/02/2021 4/2021 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
09/02/2021 3/2021 Advisor selection
22/01/2021 2/2021 Strategy of Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group development for the years 2021–2025 – supplement
07/01/2021 1/2021 Interim reports publishing dates and calendar of corporate events for the year 2021
18/12/2020 67/2020 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
17/12/2020 66/2020 KDPW communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
16/12/2020 65/2020 Strategy of Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group development for the years 2021–2025
16/12/2020 64/2020 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q4, 2020
16/12/2020 63/2020 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
10/12/2020 62/2020 Interim reports publishing dates in 2020 – update of the calendar of corporate events for the year 2020
08/12/2020 61/2020 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
20/11/2020 60/2020 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
19/11/2020 59/2020 2020 Financial Results Projection Update
18/11/2020 58/2020 KDPW communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
18/11/2020 57/2020 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
13/11/2020 56/2020 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the multipurpose credit facility agreement concluded with BNP Paribas Bank Polska Spółka Akcyjna
05/11/2020 55/2020 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
05/11/2020 54/2020 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
02/11/2020 53/2020 Shareholder’s notification on a change in the possessed total number of votes at the Company
19/10/2020 52/2020 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
16/10/2020 51/2020 KDWP communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
15/10/2020 50/2020 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
15/10/2020 49/2020 Decision of the Company Management Board on the acceptance of the terms amending the credit limit agreement concluded with Bank POLSKA KASA OPIEKI S.A. and signing an annex to the agreement
05/10/2020 48/2020 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
02/10/2020 47/2020 Registration of the Company Articles amendment by the court
24/09/2020 46/2020 Estimated, consolidated financial results for Q3 2020 and information regarding the impact of coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 spreading on the operations in that period
11/09/2020 45/2020 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase and update of information about the number of shares covered by the dividend passed by the Annual General Meeting – corrected
11/09/2020 45/2020 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase and update of information about the number of shares covered by the dividend passed by the Annual General Meeting
08/09/2020 44/2020 KDWP Communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
08/09/2020 43/2020 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
31/08/2020 42/2020 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
24/08/2020 41/2020 Update on the 2020 financial and operating results projection
20/08/2020 40/2020 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
20/08/2020 39/2020 Appointment of Supervisory Board Members for a new term, selection of the Chairman and Deputy Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and selection of the Members of the Audit Committee and the Nomination
20/08/2020 38/2020 Resolution of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. on dividend payment
20/08/2020 37/2020 Contents of resolutions passed by the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. and contents of draft resolutions which were voted on but have not been passed
19/08/2020 36/2020 Proposal of a candidate for a member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa KĘTY S.A.
17/08/2020 35/2020 Proposal of a candidate for a member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa KĘTY S.A.
14/08/2020 34/2020 Reporting a draft resolution to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting
13/08/2020 33/2020 Reporting a draft resolution to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting
13/08/2020 32/2020 Proposal of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
11/08/2020 31/2020 Proposal of candidates for members of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
10/08/2020 30/2020 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
10/08/2020 29/2020 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
06/08/2020 28/2020 Submission of draft resolutions for the agenda of the Annual General Meting, by the shareholder Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny PZU “Złota Jesień”
04/08/2020 27/2020 KDPW communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
31/07/2020 26/2020 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
23/07/2020 25/2020 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
23/07/2020 24/2020 Convening of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
15/07/2020 23/2020 Motion of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. with regard to 2019 profit distribution and dividend payment as well as assessment of the motion by the Supervisory Board
14/07/2020 22/2020 Resolution of the Management Board on the acceptance of the terms and conditions and signing of an annex to the agreement, as proposed by PKO BP S.A.
07/07/2020 21/2020 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
03/07/2020 20/2020 KDPW communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of H series ordinary bearer shares
03/07/2020 19/2020 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
03/07/2020 18/2020 Admission and introduction in stock trading of H series shares
29/06/2020 17/2020 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
24/06/2020 16/2020 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.2, 2020 and information regarding the influence of SARS-CoV-2 virus spreading on the operations in that period
24/06/2020 15/2020 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
03/06/2020 14/2020 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
02/06/2020 13/2020 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
19/05/2020 12/2020 Notification on transactions relating to the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
29/04/2020 11/2020 Changes in the corporate calendar
03/04/2020 10/2020 Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase
01/04/2020 9/2020 KDPW Communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of G and H series ordinary bearer shares
31/03/2020 8/2020 Admission and introduction in stock trading of G and H series shares
24/03/2020 7/2020 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q.1, 2020 and information regarding the potential influence of SARS-CoV-2 virus spreading and COVID-19 incidence rate on the operations and financial stand
13/03/2020 6/2020 Conditional registration of G and H series shares by the KDPW
05/02/2020 5/2020 Projection of financial and operating results for the year 2020
31/01/2020 4/2020 An adjustment of the 2019 results projection
31/01/2020 3/2020 Issue of G series share documents within conditional share capital increase
29/01/2020 2/2020 Audit firm selection
15/01/2020 1/2020 Interim reports publishing dates in 2020
18/12/2019 31/2019 Estimated consolidated financial results for Q4, 2019
29/10/2019 30/2019 A decision by the Company’s Management Board to sign an annex to the working capital credit agreement with Bank PEKAO SA
29/10/2019 29/2019 Conclusion of a significant agreement for the purchase of raw materials for BOPP film manufacturing
25/09/2019 28/2019 Disclosure of the estimated financial results of the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group for Q3 2019
18/09/2019 27/2019 Appointment of a new Member of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A.
14/08/2019 26/2019 Issue of H series share documents within conditional share capital increase and update of information about the number of shares covered by the dividend passed by the Annual General Meeting
12/08/2019 25/2019 KDWP Communication regarding registration in the Securities Depository of G and H series ordinary bearer shares
09/08/2019 24/2019 Admission and introduction in stock trading of G and H series shares
08/08/2019 23/2019 Conditional registration of G series shares by the KDPW
18/07/2019 22/2019 Conditional registration of H series shares by the KDPW
16/07/2019 21/2019 Registration of the Company Articles amendment by the court
04/07/2019 20/2019 Issue of G series share documents within conditional share capital increase
02/07/2019 19/2020 Notification of the transactions on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
26/06/2019 18/2019 Disclosure of estimated financial results of Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group for Q2, 2019
14/06/2019 17/2019 Conclusion of a credit agreement with ING Bank Śląski S.A.
11/06/2019 16/2019 Redemption of bonds and their redemption
10/06/2019 15/2019 Notification of the transactions on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
07/06/2019 14/2019 Resignation from from the function of a Member of the Management Board
05/06/2019 13/2019 Completion of the strategic options review process
30/05/2019 12/2019 Text of the resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A.
30/05/2019 11/2019 List of shareholders holding at least 5% of the number of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A. on May 30th, 2019
28/05/2019 10/2019 Reporting a draft resolution to the agenda of the Annual General Meeting
21/05/2019 9/2019 Resignation from from the function of a Member of the Management Board
25/04/2019 8/2019 Convening of the Annual General Meeting of Grupa Kęty S.A.
03/04/2019 7/2019 Motion of the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. with regard to 2018 profit distribution and assessment of the motion by the Supervisory Board
27/03/2019 6/2019 Disclosure of estimated financial results of Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group for Q1, 2019
26/02/2019 5/2019 Conclusion of a significant agreement for the purchase of raw materials for BOPP film manufacturing
08/02/2019 4/2019 Corrected current report No. 3/2019 of 6 February 2019
06/02/2019 3/2019 Projection of selected financial and operating results for the year 2019 and estimated financial and operating results for the year 2018
23/01/2019 2/2019 Strategic options review for the purpose of updating the strategic plans of the Company and the Capital Group
07/01/2019 1/2019 Dates of publication of interim financial statements in 2019
19/12/2018 33/2018 Preliminary forecasts for the fourth quarter of 2018
29/11/2018 32/2018 A decision by the Company’s Management Board to sign a working capital loan agreement with Bank PEKAO SA
26/09/2018 31/2018 Preliminary forecast of results for the third quarter of 2018
02/07/2018 30/2018 The buy-back of series H bonds and their cancellation
26/06/2018 29/2018 Decision of the Management Board on the approval of a loan agreement with Bank BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A.
26/06/2018 28/2018 Preliminary forecast of results for the second quarter of 2018
04/06/2018 27/2018 The final level of the dividend payable to shareholders for 2017
04/06/2018 26/2018 Admitting and introducing series G shares to the stock exchange trade
22/05/2018 25/2018 The conditional registration of series G shares in the National Depository for Securities
21/05/2018 24/2018 Receipt of the notification that a Shareholder has exceeded 5% of the total number of votes
16/05/2018 23/2018 Change in publication date of the consolidated report for the first half of 2018
24/04/2018 22/2018 Shareholders holding over 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A. on 24 April 2018
24/04/2018 21/2018 The resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A.
24/04/2018 20/2018 Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders concerning the payment of the dividend for 2017
23/04/2018 19/2018 Redemption of bonds and their redemption
23/04/2018 18/2018 Notification of the transactions on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
23/04/2018 17/2018 Notification of the transactions on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
20/04/2018 16/2018 Submitting a draft resolution by an eligible Shareholder: AVIVA OFE AVIVA BZ WBK.
29/03/2018 15/2018 Convening the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A.
29/03/2018 14/2018 Change of the proposed date of the payment of the second part of the dividend
28/03/2018 13/2018 The Supervisory Board’s opinion on the Management Board’s motion concerning the payment of dividend for 2017
28/03/2018 12/2018 The appointment of a Member of the Management Board
28/03/2018 11/2018 The appointment of the Company’s Management Board for the tenth term of office
22/02/2018 8/2018 Signing loan agreements with mBank S.A.
01/02/2018 7/2018 The forecast of financial results for 2018 and preliminary results for 2017
01/02/2018 6/2018 The Management Board’s recommendation concerning the payment of dividend for 2017
26/01/2018 5/2018 The resolution of the Company’s Management Board concerning the signing of a working capital loan agreement
25/01/2018 4/2018 Notification of the transactions on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
12/01/2018 2/2018 The registration of the increase in the share capital in the National Court Register
10/01/2018 1/2018 Notification of the transactions on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
20/12/2017 45/2017 Preliminary results for the fourth quarter
11/12/2017 44/2017 The registration of the increase in the Company’s share capital
07/12/2017 43/2017 Appointment of new members of the Management Board
13/11/2017 41/2017 The decision of the Company’s Management Board concerning the execution of a loan agreement with Bank PKO BP
26/10/2017 39/2017 Notification of the transactions on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
26/10/2017 38/2017 Redemption of bonds and their cancellation
12/10/2017 37/2017 An update of the investment plan contained in Strategy 2020
29/09/2017 36/2017 The decision of BGŻ BNP Paribas S.A. to extend financing
29/09/2017 35/2017 Annex to the agreement to extend the financing with Bank PKO BP
08/09/2017 33/2017 Notification about exceeding 5% of the total number of votes
24/07/2017 32/2017 Final dividend amount
24/07/2017 31/2017 Registered bonds to mBank Spółka Akcyjna bonds
27/06/2017 29/2017 Annex to an overdraft facility agreement
22/06/2017 28/2017 Preliminary results for the second quarter of 2017
05/06/2017 27/2017 The selection of the bid of Aluprof S.A. concerning the construction of aluminium and glass curtain walls in Mennica Legacy Tower facility
31/05/2017 26/2017 Shareholders holding over 5% of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A. on 31 May 2017
31/05/2017 25/2017 The appointment of members of the Supervisory Board for the new term of office
31/05/2017 24/2017 Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders concerning the payment of the dividend for 2016
31/05/2017 23/2017 The resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A. on 31 May 2017
23/05/2017 22/2017 Proposing a candidate for a Member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. by a Shareholder: OFE PZU “Złota Jesień”
21/05/2017 21/2017 Proposing a candidate for a Member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. by a Shareholder: Allianz Polska OFE
11/05/2017 20/2017 Proposing a candidate for a Member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. by a Shareholder: Aviva OFE Aviva BZ WBK
11/05/2017 19/2017 Proposing a candidate for a Member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. by a Shareholder: Aviva OFE Aviva BZ WBK
10/05/2017 18/2017 Proposing a draft resolution by a Shareholder: Nationale-Nederlanden OFE
10/05/2017 17/2017 Proposing a candidate for a Member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. by a Shareholder: Nationale-Nederlanden OFE
10/05/2017 16/2017 Proposing a candidate for an independent Member of the Supervisory Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. by a Shareholder: Nationale-Nederlanden OFE
27/04/2017 15/2017 Announcement on the convening of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A.
07/04/2017 14/2017 The Supervisory Board’s opinion on the Management Board’s motion concerning the payment of dividend for 2016
22/03/2017 13/2017 Preliminary results for the first quarter of 2017
15/03/2017 12/2017 The registration of the increase in the Company’s share capital
08/03/2017 11/2017 The conditional registration of series G shares in the National Depository for Securities
07/02/2017 7/2017 The Management Board’s recommendation concerning the dividend payment
07/02/2017 6/2017 Updated ‘2020 Strategy’ strategic plan
07/02/2017 5/2017 The forecast of financial results for 2017 and preliminary results for 2016
26/01/2017 4/2017 Admitting and introducing series G shares to stock exchange trade
24/01/2017 3/2017 The conditional registration of series G shares in the National Depository for Securities
17/01/2017 2/2017 Notification of the transactions on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
09/01/2017 1/2017 Dates of the publication of periodical reports in 2017
22/12/2016 40/2016 Preliminary results for the fourth quarter of 2016
28/11/2016 38/2016 Launching the production of BOPP polypropylene films and the production of printing cylinders in Alupol Films
04/11/2016 36/2016 The confirmation of the bank’s decision to extend and increase the loan amount
10/10/2016 35/2016 The project of Aluprof S.A. on the list of projects selected for financing
10/10/2016 34/2016 Investment loan agreement for a subsidiary Aluprof S.A.
30/09/2016 33/2016 Information about extension of financing
21/09/2016 32/2016 Change of results forecast for 2016
21/09/2016 31/2016 Preliminary results for the third quarter of 2016
08/09/2016 30/2016 A comment of the Management Board on the recent media release regarding the plant in Tychy
02/08/2016 28/2016 Notification of the transaction on the shares of Grupa Kęty S.A.
06/07/2016 27/2016 The registration of the increase in the Company’s share capital
23/06/2016 25/2016 Preliminary forecasts of results for the second quarter of 2016.
17/06/2016 23/2016 The application of a subsidiary Aluprof S.A. regarding the co-financing of investment projects
15/06/2016 22/2016 The fulfilment of conditions precedent for the agreement on the acquisition of a company in Slovenia
13/06/2016 21/2016 The establishment of a subsidiary in Germany
17/05/2016 20/2016 Admitting and introducing series G shares to stock exchange trade
12/05/2016 19/2016 Shareholders holding more than 5 % of votes at the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
12/05/2016 18/2016 The resolution on the payment of dividend adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
12/05/2016 17/2016 The resolutions adopted by the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A. on 12 May 2016
02/05/2016 15/2016 Submitting a draft resolution by a Shareholder
26/04/2016 14/2016 The acquisition of Slovenian production company by a subsidiary
04/04/2016 11/2016 The sale of shares by a member of the Company’s management staff who is not a member of the Company’s Management Board
31/03/2016 10/2016 The Supervisory Board’s opinion on the Management Board’s motion concerning the payment of dividend
24/03/2016 8/2016 Preliminary forecasts of results for the first quarter of 2016
22/03/2016 7/2016 The purchase of shares by a member of the Company’s management staff who is not a member of the Company’s Management Board
22/03/2016 6/2016 Redemption of bonds and their cancellation
10/02/2016 5/2016 The Management Board’s recommendation concerning the dividend payment
10/02/2016 4/2016 The forecast of financial results for 2016 and preliminary results for 2015
01/02/2016 3/2016 Obtaining by Alupol Films Sp. z o.o. another authorization to carry out business activities in “Krakowski Park Technologiczny” Special Economic Zone
20/01/2016 2/2016 A material agreement
05/01/2016 1/2016 Dates of the publication of periodical reports in 2016
21/12/2015 48/2015 Preliminary results for the fourth quarter of 2015