In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is a great challenge for societies around the world, the International Labor Organization announced that World Day for Safety and Health at Work 2020 will be devoted to the topic of combating infectious diseases at work, in particular the COVID-19 pandemic.
Changing the theme of the Day, which was previously about violence at work, was a response to the global crisis caused by the pandemic and concerns about the steady increase in COVID-19 infection in some parts of the world and the ability to maintain falling rates in other regions. Governments, employers, employees and their organizations face huge challenges when trying to fight a pandemic and protect the safety and health of employees. The International Labor Organization stresses the need to take special measures to protect millions of health workers and other workers who risk their own health every day in the fight against pandemics.
In this particular period, the ILO also draws attention to the widespread use of remote work, which on the one hand offers employees the opportunity to perform their duties, but on the other hand should not disturb the balance between work and private life, enabling the implementation of other activities, such as care for children, the sick and the elderly.
The Capital Group takes a very responsible approach to the health and safety of employees
Our priorities – health and safety.
Despite the prevailing pandemic, all companies of the Capital Group manage to maintain continuity of production and commercial processes. It is possible, among others thanks to a number of security procedures and preventive measures introduced as part of internal operations. A remote work system was introduced wherever possible. All employees were provided with means for disinfecting hands and work stations, protective masks, temperature measurement was enabled, disinfection spraying of common parts in offices and production halls was introduced, organizational units were also divided into safety zones aimed at limiting contacts between employees to the necessary minimum.