The Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. hereby informs that today, i.e. on 29 April 2015, the Company, pursuant to Article160 Clause 1 of the Act of 29 July 2005 on trading in financial instruments, was notified by a member of the management staff within the Issuer’s organisational structure (who is not a member of the Company’s Management Board), who has access to confidential information concerning the Issuer, about the sale of the Company’s shares.
The transaction was as follows: the sale of 1,243 shares at the average price of 316.05 PLN per share through discretionary stock broking services at the stock exchange session at Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) on 23 April 2015; the sale of 1,993 shares at the average price of 316.80 PLN per share through discretionary stock broking services at the stock exchange session at WSE on 24 April 2015; the sale of 558 shares at the average price of 316.57 PLN per share through discretionary stock broking services at the stock exchange session at WSE on 27 April 2015; and the sale of 206 shares at the average price of 316.95 PLN per share through discretionary stock broking services at the stock exchange session at WSE on 28 April 2015.