On December 9th, the International Anti-Corruption Day was celebrated


When we think about unethical activities, corruption may be one of the first associations. It is commonly believed that corruption occurs primarily in relations between entrepreneurs and officials, but it is not true. In each organization, there must be a cleared and defined written rules of conduct to reduce the risk of corruption and, in case of doubts, a specific method of explaining them.

In the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A we build the trust of customers and investors, employees’ pride in belonging to our organization, as well as relations with the environment through reliable and honest business conduct, transparency and mutual respect. We treat these values ​​as extraordinary assets of the company – this is a quotation from the Letter of the President of the Management Board in the Code of Ethics of our Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A.

Following this path, we try to develop processes and tools supporting us in maintaining the standards by which we want to operate. We have developed an e-training “Counteracting corruption” especially for the needs of education and promotion of the anti-corruption policy in force in our Capital Group, says Michał Malina, Business Ethics Spokesman.

* International Anti-Corruption Day – a holiday celebrated annually on December 9th, designated by the UN General Assembly at the adoption of the Convention Against Corruption on October 31, 2003, signed by 95 countries in Merida, Mexico.