The pandemic has left its mark on the psyche of people, particularly children and youths who had to cope with social isolation.
Caring for their health the Municipal Office of Bielsko-Biała, Grupa Kety and the ‘Biegniemy z Mają’ [Run With Maja] Foundation have developed a proprietary health prophylactics project entitled ‘I Care For The Child’ (the subject matter content prepared by Dorota Stachowicz, M.D., Muvve Foundation, ‘Biegniemy z Mają’ Foundation).
The project was launched during the Days of Bielsko-Biala on 4 September in the Słowackiego Park. The stand and the materials prepared enjoyed a great interest.
As the mental health subject is continuously valid, the I CARE FOR THE CHILD project will be continued at Bielsko-Biała schools. Grupa Kęty S.A. wishes to thank the project partners for their engagement!