Faster-than-market Development

The Company has published the Strategy of the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group development for the years 2021–2025. The Company shall focus on organic development supported with a capital expenditure programme of the total value of PLN 1.1 billion, which is to contribute to the generation of PLN 4.6 billion of sales revenue, PLN 787 million of EBITDA, and PLN 470 million of net profit in 2025. The Company shall continue paying high dividend to the shareholders.

It is already the fourth development strategy implemented by the Management Board of the stock listed Company headed by CEO Dariusz Mańko. All previous strategies have been performed with a great success, although the announcement of the particular ones was frequently cautiously received by capital market participants who assessed the strategic plans of Grupa Kęty. The current 2025 Strategy is based on very strong foundations built as a result of effective performance of the 2020 Strategy, which was completed with a high surplus. All of the assumptions of the previous Strategy have been exceeded: sales revenue was higher by PLN 141 million (growth by 4%); EBITDA was higher by PLN 142 million (growth by 28%), and net profit was higher by as much as PLN 154 million (growth by 58%).

Strategy of Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group development for the years 2021–2025