In relation to the market trends and the resulting high levels of utilisation of the currently possessed production capacity as well as the favourable perspectives for the further growth of sales, the Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. made a decision on updating the investment plan for the years 2021-2025, as presented in the Strategy of the Grupa Kęty S.A. Capital Group for the years 2021–2025 (‘Strategy’), and submit the update to the Supervisory Board for acceptance. With regard to approval of the requested update by the Supervisory Board in the meeting held on 30 July 2021, the Management Board discloses the above information in public. Scope of the update:
The total value of the assumed capital expenditures in the years 2021–2025 will amount to PLN 1,321 million after the adjustment.
The Management Board estimates that 90% of the additional expenditures will be spent by the end of 2023. By the end of the same year (2023), launching of the new production capacity created under the programme has also been planned.
The above presented adjustments to the investment plan shall affect the basic financial assumptions projected for the year 2025, as presented in the Strategy 2021–2025, in the following manner:
The adjustment of the basic financial parameters presented in the report has been prepared based on the macroeconomic assumptions which have been used in preparing the Strategy 2021–2025.
In the presented values, the effect of the possible recognition of deferred tax asset in the event of implementing the above mentioned projects, in consideration of tax allowance, has not been taken into account.
The projects will be financed with bank loans and income on the operating activities.