The Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Company or the Issuer) presents below a list of shareholders holding at least 5% of the total number of votes in the Annual General Meeting of the Company held on 21 June 2023 (hereinafter referred to as the AGM):
1) Allianz Polska Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny – 1,675,958 shares entitling to 1,675,958 votes, which was equivalent to 23.14% of the number of votes represented at the AGM and 17.37% of the total number of votes;
2) Nationale-Nederlanden Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny – 1,525,000 shares entitling to 1,525,000 votes, which was equivalent to 21.05% of the number of votes represented at the AGM and 15.80% of the total number of votes;
3) Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny PZU “Złota Jesień” – 860,515 shares entitling to 860,515 votes, which was equivalent to 11.88% of the number of votes represented at the AGM and 8.92% of the total number of votes;
4) AEGON Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny – 641,871 shares entitling to 641,871 votes, which was equivalent to 8.86% of the number of votes represented at the AGM and 6.65% of the total number of votes;
5) NNLife Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny – 580,037 shares entitling to 580,037 votes, which was equivalent to 8.01% of the number of votes represented at the AGM and 6.01% of the total number of votes;
6) UNIQA Otwarty Fundusz Emerytalny – 390,239 shares entitling to 390,239 votes, which was equivalent to 5.39% of the number of votes represented at the AGM and 4.04% of the total number of votes.
Legal basis: Article 70.3 of the Act on Public Offering […].