Declaration by the Central Securities Depository of Poland on concluding an agreement with the Company with regard to the registration of L series shares in the Securities Depository

The Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Company or the Issuer) notifies about receiving information in the subject of the issue of a declaration by the Central Securities Depository of Poland [KDPW S.A.] No. 122/2025 of 5 February 2025 on concluding an agreement with the Company with regard to the registration in the KDPW Securities Depository of up to 90,000 L series ordinary bearer shares of the nominal value of PLN 2.50 each (hereinafter referred to as the Shares), issued under the conditional share capital increase pursuant to Resolution No. 3/24 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa KĘTY S.A. of 4 September 2024, in order to enable the performance of the management options plan adopted with Resolution No. 3/23 of the Extraordinary General Meeting of Grupa KĘTY S.A. of 13 December 2023.

The Shares will be registered based on settlement orders, as referred to in § 6 of the Detailed Principles of KDPW operation, in relation to deregistration of subscription warrants identified with the PLKETY000078 code, on which the right to take up the said Shares has been exercised.

The Shares will be registered under the ISIN code: PLKETY000094, whereas their assimilation with the other shares of the Company traded in the stock market and registered under the ISIN code: PLKETY000011 is planned.