The Management Board of Grupa Kęty SA hereby gives notification that on 29 October, 2019, it adopted a resolution regarding its acceptance of the borrowing terms being offered by Bank PEKAO SA and together with the subsidiaries: Alupol Packaging SA, Aluprof SA, Aluform Sp. z o.o., Alupol Packaging Kęty Sp. z o.o., Alupol Films Sp. z o.o., and Aluminium Kety Emmi Predelava aluminija, d.o.o. signed an annex to the credit agreement for the amount of PLN 300 million, extending the lending period for further 12 months, i.e. by 30 October 2020. The credit amount constitutes a joint credit limit for the companies: Grupa Kęty SA, Alupol Packaging SA, Aluprof SA, Aluform Sp. z o.o., Alupol Packaging Kęty Sp. z o.o., Alupol Films Sp. z o.o., and Aluminium Kety Emmi Predelava aluminija, d.o.o. The credit will be used to finance the companies’ current activities. In accordance with the detailed provisions of the agreement the companies are jointly and severally liable for the debt under said agreement. The credit is secured with the borrowers’ blank promissory notes and a promissory note declaration.