The Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. (‘the Company’) hereby notifies that, on the 10th of January 2018, the Management Board of Krajowy Depozyt Papierów Wartościowych S.A. (National Depository for Securities; ‘KDPW’) has issued a statement in regards to the acceptance of the depository for securities of 31 720 series G regular bearer shares of the Company with the nominal value of 2.50 PLN each (‘Shares’) and decided to mark them with the code: PLKETY000011, if the Warsaw Stock Exchange (‘WSE’) decides to float these shares on the same regulated market on which other shares of the Company marked with this code were floated.
The Shares will be registered in KDPW within three days from the date of the receipt by the National Depository for Securities of the WSE’s decision concerning the floating of these Shares on the same regulated market on which other shares of the Company marked with the code: PLKETY000011 were floated; however, not before the date of floating these shares on this regulated market, indicated in this decision.