The Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. hereby informs that the Supervisory Board, at its meeting held on 28 March 2018, adopted the resolution on the appointment of the Management Board for the tenth term of office with the effect from the date of the General Meeting of Shareholders approving the financial statements and the Management Board’s report for the financial year 2017 and discharging Members of the Management Board for due performance of their duties in 2017. The Management Board of the tenth term of office will comprise the existing members, i.e.: Mr Dariusz Mańko, President of the Board; Mr Adam Piela, Member of the Board; Mr Piotr Wysocki, Member of the Board; Mr Tomasz Grela, Member of the Board; and Mr Rafał Lechowicz, Member of the Board appointed on 28 March 2018.
The CVs of the existing members of the Management Board have been published by the Company and are available on the Company’s website in ‘Management Board and Supervisory Board’ section. The CV of the new member of the Management Board has been published in report No. 12/2018.