Resolution of the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders concerning the payment of the dividend for 2017

The Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. hereby informs that, on 24 April 2017, the Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders of Grupa Kęty S.A. adopted resolution No. 3/18 concerning the payment of dividend.

From the net profit for 2017 amounting to 249,056,966.23 PLN (two hundred and forty nine million fifty six thousand nine hundred and sixty six złoty and 23/100), the amount of 228,520,800.00 PLN (two hundred and twenty eight million five hundred and twenty thousand eight hundred złoty and 00/100) was allocated for the payment of dividend to shareholders.

As at the date of adopting the resolution, the number of shares entitled to dividend is 9,521,700 (nine million five hundred and twenty one thousand seven hundred), which means the payment of dividend of 24 (twenty four) PLN per share.

The dividend day (the date when the right to divided is determined) shall be 26 June 2018, and the dividend payment date shall be 10 July 2018 (28% of the dividend amount, i.e. 63,985,824.00 PLN resulting in the dividend of 6.72 PLN per share) and 26 September 2018 (72% of the dividend amount, i.e. 164,534,976.00 PLN resulting in the dividend of 17.28 PLN per share).

The number of shares may increase by 23,747 series G shares, if they are admitted to exchange trading until the date of determining the right to dividend. In such a case, the number of all shares entitled to dividend will amount to 9,545,447 (nine million five hundred and forty five thousand four hundred and forty seven), which will mean the payment of the dividend of 23.94 (twenty three złoty and ninety four grosz) PLN per share.

In such a case, the first instalment of the dividend (28%) will amount to 63,954,494.90 PLN, i.e. 6.70 PLN per share, and the second instalment of the dividend (72%) will amount to 164,563,506.28 PLN, i.e. 17.24 PLN per share.