Issue of H series shares within conditional share capital increase and update of information about the number of shares covered by the dividend passed by the Annual General Meeting – corrected

The Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Company or the Issuer) informs that after another analysis of the value of the particular tranches of dividend to be paid out by the company, in consideration of the current number of shares of the Company, the contents of the recent current report No. 45/2020 of 10 September 2020 is being corrected. Below the Issuer presents the previously published text of the paragraph and its text after the correction. The remaining part of the report has not changed.

Previously published wording:

At the same time, in reference to the current report No. 38/2020 of 20 August 2020, the Company informs that the number of shares covered with the dividend passed by the Resolution No. 6/2020 of the Annual General Meeting on 20 August 2020 is 9,621,447 as at the date of this report publication (compared to 9,620,547 as at 20 August 2020). In consequence the amount of dividend to be paid per one share is now PLN 34.99 (compared to PLN 35.00 as at 20 August 2020), whereas the amount of dividend to be paid per one share within the first tranche set out for 6 October 2020 is now PLN 10.99 (compared to PLN 11.00 as at 20 August 2020) and the amount of dividend to be paid per one share within the second tranche set out for 4 November 2020 is now PLN 23.99 (compared to PLN 24.00 as at 20 August 2020).

Corrected wording:

At the same time, in reference to the current report No. 38/2020 of 20 August 2020, the Company informs that the number of shares covered with the dividend passed by the Resolution No. 6/2020 of the Annual General Meeting on 20 August 2020 is 9,621,447 as at the date of this report publication (compared to 9,620,547 as at 20 August 2020). In consequence the amount of dividend to be paid per one share is now PLN 34.99 (compared to PLN 35.00 as at 20 August 2020), whereas the amount of dividend to be paid per one share within the first tranche set out for 6 October 2020 is now PLN 10.99 (compared to PLN 11.00 as at 20 August 2020). The amount of dividend to be paid per one share within the second tranche set out for 4 November 2020 does not change and amounts to PLN 24.00.

Legal basis: §15.2 of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 29 March 2018 on current and interim information disclosed by the issuers of securities and conditions of considering equivalent the information required by the laws of a country other than a member state.