The Management Board of Grupa Kęty S.A. (hereinafter referred to as the Issuer) submits herein a corrected enclosure to the current report No. 3/2019 of 6 February 2019 “Projection of selected financial and operating results for the year 2019 and estimated financial and operating results for the year 2018”.
The correction refers to the net profit item. The correct value of the estimated consolidated net profit for 2018 is PLN 264 million (instead of the previously stated PLN 261 million), whereas the correct projected consolidated net profit is PLN 261 million (instead of the previously stated PLN 264 million), which means a change by ‑1% (instead of the previously stated +1%).
The other contents of the current report 3/2019 and the enclosure thereto remain unchanged. The Issuer hereby encloses the “Projection of selected financial and operating results for the year 2019 and estimated financial and operating results for the year 2018” with the aforementioned writing error corrected.