“Zero-emission mobility for all”
The European Sustainable Transport Week is organized by cities each year in mid-September. The aim of the activities is to promote ecological forms of mobility, such as means of public transport, bicycle, pedestrian traffic, i.e. connecting different modes of transport. This year’s edition of the campaign is held under the slogan “Zero-emission mobility for all.” The campaign of the European Sustainable Transport Week focuses mainly on: encouraging as many people as possible to use alternative forms of transport such as public transport, walking or cycling, increasing awareness and informing about negative consequences for the quality of life related to mass motorization, showing the city more citizen-friendly Sustainable Transport Week ends on September 22 with a car-free day.
More about the action https://mobilityweek.eu/home/ and materials in Polish here
So far 177 cities from Poland have joined https://mobilityweek.eu/2020-participants/?year=2020&country=PL
These days, we encourage you to take advantage of and try out alternatives to the use of cars, e.g. bicycle, foot, scooter, public transport, etc.
See the footage: