Ecological and charitable – 347 kilograms more!

In spring 2014, Grupa Kęty together with Fundacja Grupa Kęty Dzieciom Podbeskidzia (‘Grupa Kęty to the Children of Podbeskidzie Region’ Foundation) launched ‘Nakrętka na wózek’ (‘A Top to Get a Wheelchair’) programme.

As part of this program, all companies of the Capital Group of Grupa Kęty S.A. and children’s homes cooperating with the Foundation carry out a continuous plastic tops collecting campaign.

Thanks to the joint commitment from the very start of the campaign, almost 3 tons of tops have been collected so far. The money from the sale of tops is given to a family, which finances the purchase of a wheelchair with the funds.

“Environmental stewardship is one of the foundations of our social responsibility; therefore, we are very engaged in the creation of environmentally-friendly attitudes,”says Monika Sobczak, Chief CSR Specialist. 

 ‘A Top to Get a Wheelchair’ programme, apart from the ecological aspect of waste segregation, has an additional beneficial effect. It makes us happy!,” adds M. Sobczak.