April 22 – International Earth Day


The International Earth Day is a series of campaigns all over the world aimed at promoting ecological attitudes in society. The initiative has its roots in the 1970s. The holiday is currently celebrated in 192 countries around the world. In Poland, Earth Day has been celebrated since 1990. The program and theme of the subsequent celebrations of the Polish Earth Day shape important and current topics related to ecology and the environment. Every year Earth Day is accompanied by another motto.

The slogan of this year’s edition is “Save our species”.

The Capital Group of Grupa Kęty as a Signatory of Global Compact is very proactive towards the provisions of environmental protection principles.

Protection of the natural environment

7. A preventive approach to the natural environment.

8. Undertaking initiatives aimed at promoting the attitude of ecological responsibility.

9. The use and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies.

When developing businesses, building new factories or implementing new products, we always try to limit our impact on the environment as much as possible. We are strongly involved in a number of educational campaigns in the field of eco-friendly, min. Action – We clean the Beskydy, We SUN the Sun or Letters for the Earth.